
The Princess and the Pigeon

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Apr 28, 2018 9:00 AM (Pacific Time)
May 5, 2018 9:00 AM (Pacific Time)
May 12, 2018 9:00 AM (Pacific Time)

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Topic: Attracting Honoring Relationships – The Princess and the Pigeon Fairytale

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Week 1 – Opening Circle and An Italian Fairytale – The Princess and the PigeonTold by Ursula Holden-Gill

Saturday 28 April, 2018 – 9am PDT, Noon EDT, 5pm, UK, 6pm Central European Time.  Call will be recorded if you cannot make it.

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Video Call – Recording available Sunday April 29.

Video – 22:43 minutes

Audio Interview with Ursula Holden-Gill – approx 30 minutes

Womb practices


Recording of the Opening Circle call


Weekly prompt

Consider the four archetypes in this story as various aspects of yourself. Journal what the characteristics of your internal princess, pigeon, manipulator and cunning woman might be. Which has more power over your life? What do they have to say to you?



Week 2 – What Would Rumi Say?

Saturday 5 May, 2018 – 9am PDT, Noon EDT, 5pm, UK, 6pm Central European Time.  Call will be recorded if you cannot make it.

See you local time here:

A live 1 hour video call about Masculine and Feminine forces in the Universe and what attracts them each.  This is a discussion from an alchemical standpoint, and can be helpful in understanding the dynamic on the planet right now between men and women. You will learn how to integrate the masculine and feminine forces within you to achieve Sacred Union Within. When you enjoy Sacred Union Within, your relationships will reflect that sacred, honoring and respectful relationship.

Weekly Prompt

Can you remember a time when you were doing all the work in a relationship, for a person that was checked out or unavailable and not returning the love or doing their part?

  • what images, colors, textures. words or sounds come to you when you imagine being that person now. Journal about what comes to you. 
  • and/or make an intentional collage (set a sacred space with an intention before you make the collage) about that part of you, then journal about what the collage says to you, noticing the symbolic elements of the pictures you chose.
  • ask that part of you what she has learned in a good way from this situation


Week 3 – What would the Black Madonna say?

Saturday 12 May, 2018 – 9am PDT, Noon EDT, 5pm, UK 6pm Central European Time.  Call will be recorded if you cannot make it.

See you local time here:

A live 1 hour video call to talk about the path to attracting honoring relationships from the perspective of the mysterious Black Madonnas. These statues are much more than statues…they hold great mystery and magic powers. In fact they called me out of the blue to move from California to southern France, which is a hotbed for Black Madonnas.  I’ll share my journey with her, along with what I feel she has to offer us in these times.  She also has much to say about the healing of our planet,  the #metoo movement and how to move #beyondmetoo, the migrant crisis, and owning our bodies, which are actually very related to our topic of men and women!  She helps us with all of these, and we’ll connect all the dots in this call.

In this call, you can enjoy a special Black Madonna meditation where we connect with a Black Madonna in France.  I will perform a group Womb Healing, and a Black Madonna energy healing session, using a very powerful modality called Serenity Vibration Healing™, or SVH, which has wonderful capabilities to go back in time and undo past events.  We will start the process of unwinding all the programming about men, women, sex, power, our needs, our bodies and our voices, and much more.

And after the healings we will close the circle, even though the story will keep talking to you, and the healings keep working.

Weekly prompt

Take your image/word/color/shape/texture from the visualization that you you got from your womb about the union of the opposites, and plant it in the earth somewhere around the New Moon, choosing to plant the seed of the new growth into your new life.