
Beyond #metoo with the Black Madonna

Attracting Honoring Relationships beyond Power Imbalances

  • are you longing for an equal, loving relationship where you feel fully seen and heard?
  • do you long to be cherished in relationship for who you are rather than how much you give or serve others?
  • do you feel like nobody seems to care about your needs and that your needs always seems to come last in line?
  • have you felt used and abused in your intimate relationships as well as other relationships with people you trusted had your best interests at heart?
  • do you long for a more connected relationship with a man on a spiritual path?
  • do you find it hard to take up space and have a voice in your relationships?

Introducing a new, powerful 3 week online journey which will dive into a charming Italian fairytale, The Princess and the Pigeon, to pull out the threads of many lessons for women about how we see ourselves in relationship. 

Stories have the wonderful ability to transport us out of our heads, and, using metaphor with a dash of magic, they stir things around in us. And then, a glimpse through the swirling mists…a whisper in the woods…bring slivers of insights, soothing balm for our wounds, and bone deep knowings.  Our adventure through the story will be mixed in with some teachings on the alchemical Sacred Union Within, the Black Madonna, and some powerful Serenity Vibration Healing™ to do further healing work at a group level.

The Story – The Princess and the Pigeon – an Italian Fairytale

Told by Ursula Holden-Gill,

Voted the Best Newcomer at British Award for Storytelling Excellence, 2012

This is a story about the dying of naivety in women.  This is about the passing from the innocence of the maiden stage into a more matured, fulfilled and wise stage of life. 

Even though this particular story is about a relationship, it is much broader really, and of great importance as we now navigate the #metoo movement into the #beyondmetoo realm.  This is about seeing ourselves as equals with men, and allowing ourselves to take up space, to be seen and be heard.  This is about seeing the red flags of manipulation and domination over us with clear and steady eyes, and growing into being able to take right action.  At the same time as holding others accountable, we want to be clear about what is ours to own and what is theirs to own.

This story is about a woman at first seeing her relationship with rose colored spectacles, and after that seeing her partner or  for what he is. This is a painful experience in her case, but one that is the catalyst for her finding her true self and being able to connect to herself and the world around her in more authentic and fulfilling ways.  This can be applied to other relationships as well, where we have trusted others deemed to be more powerful to have our best interests at heart, only to be used and abused.

As women, we are trained and conditioned to put our own needs after everyone else’s – part of a Queen’s journey is to be able to balance our needs with those of others and to renegotiate or end relationships that are not honoring and nourishing to us with eyes that see and clear voices that are heard. 

Whether you’re in a relationship that is not honoring to you or have struggled with those relationships in the past, it is possible to heal the inner relationship of masculine and feminine, and attract relationships where you are fully seen, heard, honored, respected, loved and cherished.

About Ursula Holden-Gill: Ursula Holden Gill is a one woman tour de force;  award-winning storyteller, comedienne, singer songwriter, curator and teacher.  From her beautifully characterised adaptations of traditional folk and fairy tales to her signature streetwise, savvy, self – penned originals Ursula can make you laugh and cry, think, reflect and roar again; all in the space of half an hour…..a shape – shifting scallywag who is truly one to watch!

The Program – Attracting Honoring Relationships with the Black Madonna

A nourishing 3 week journey online

To move beyond dishonoring relationships where we have no power, into our sovereignty where we own our space and bodies is a journey.  The culture we grew up in has given us many messages of who men are and who women are, and who we have to be in the world as women in order to be loved, respected and accepted.

After first being called by the Black Madonna 10 years ago, I have come to know she has the sacred balm for all our wounds.  The Black Madonnas are medieval statues that were mostly found buried in the ground, in caves, streams or tree trunks over parts of Europe.  These statues depict Mother Mary and often baby Jesus – and they are black, much to the consternation of the church!  They are thought to symbolize the Dark Mother, the Earth Mother – Mother of us all!  So even though she is often found in churches, she is more related to the Goddess cults (such as the Goddess Isis, who similarly was depicted with her son Horus on her knee), and the Ancient Mystery Schools that worked with the Earth Mysteries.

She teaches us to relish living in our bodies…living messy, human, imperfect lives, feeling our emotions and being fully awakened sexual beings.  She teaches us how to mother ourselves in those places that feel broken and despairing.  She feels our pain and suffering and can hold it all.  She awakens the energy in our Sacral or Womb chakras and teaches us alchemical transformation and rebirth (symbolized by the baby Jesus) from our wombs, for as we heal and transform, we rebirth ourselves…and a Divine Child is born.  This process in each of us, will rebirth the world.

Buy the full 3 week series for a very special price by clicking the Add to Cart below.

Regular price: $147    Charter price: $97  

If, after the 1st call, you don’t think the program is right for you, you can request a refund. Paypal, Visa, Mastercard and Discover accepted.


Our journey starts…

Week 1 – Opening Circle and An Italian Fairytale – The Princess and the Pigeon

We will have a short Opening Circle call with a brief introduction to the Black Madonna.  I’ll talk about my journey with her, which took me all the way from California to a life in Southern France following the deer trods…the way of the mysterious Black Madonna, along with her cohort, Elen of the Shimmering Ways, the solar Goddess of Sovereignty.

You will receive a 23 minute video of the charming fairytale, told by the fabulous Award-winning storyteller, Ursula Holden-Gill,  along with a 30 minute recorded audio interview about the symbolism in the story with myself and Ursula. 

You will also receive a written prompt to explore during the week in supporting you to find what the story has to tell you about your life and your relationships.

Saturday 28 April, 2018 – 9am PDT, Noon EDT, 5pm, UK, 6pm Central European Time, 2am AEST (Sorry… :-(…if there is enough demand, I will add another time for Australian folks) .  Call will be recorded if you cannot make it.

See you local time here:


Week 2 – What Would Rumi Say?

Photo by Simone Dalmeri

A live 1 hour video call where we’ll share impressions about the story, and have a discussion about Masculine and Feminine forces in the Universe and what attracts them each to eachother.  This is a discussion from an alchemical standpoint, and can be helpful in understanding the dynamic on the planet right now between men and women. You will learn how to integrate the masculine and feminine forces within yourself to achieve Sacred Union Within. When you enjoy Sacred Union Within, your relationships will reflect that sacred, honoring and respectful relationship.

You will also receive a written prompt to explore during the week in supporting you to find what the story has to tell you about your life and your relationships.

Saturday 5 May, 2018 – 9am PDT, Noon EDT, 5pm UK, 6pm Central European Time, 2am AEST (Sorry… :-(…if there is enough demand, I will add another time for Australian folks) .  Call will be recorded if you cannot make it.

See you local time here:

Buy the full 3 week series for a very special price by clicking the Add to Cart below.

Regular price: $147    Charter price: $97  


If, after the 1st call, you don’t think the program is right for you, you can request a refund. Paypal, Visa, Mastercard and Discover accepted.

Week 3 – What would the Black Madonna say?

Black Madonna
A live 1 hour video call to talk about the path to attracting honoring relationships from the perspective of the mysterious Black Madonnas. These statues are much more than statues…they hold great mystery and magic powers. In fact they called me out of the blue to move from California to southern France, which is a hotbed for Black Madonnas.   She also has much to say about the healing of our planet,  the #metoo movement and how to move #beyondmetoo, the migrant crisis, and owning our bodies, which are actually very related to our topic of the balance of power between men and women!  She helps us with all of these, and we’ll connect all the dots in this call.

In this call, you can enjoy a special Black Madonna meditation where we connect with a Black Madonna in France.  I will perform a group Womb Healing, and a Black Madonna energy healing session, using a very powerful modality called Serenity Vibration Healing™, or SVH, which has wonderful capabilities to go back in time and undo past events.  We will start the process of unwinding all the programming about men, women, sex, power, our needs, our bodies and our voices, and much more.

Saturday 12 May, 2018 – 9am PDT, Noon EDT, 5pm UK, 6pm Central European Time, 2am AEST (Sorry… :-(…if there is enough demand, I will add another time for Australian folks) .  Call will be recorded if you cannot make it.

See you local time here:

What you will gain in this series:

  • a macro understanding of the reason why there are so few ‘spiritual’ men out there, and all they seem interested in is sex – and how the Black Madonna has the answer for us.
  • you will learn how to follow your emotions as messengers and experience a beautiful visualization to bring harmony to the warring parts within you – you can do this at home as well.
  • you will learn how to hold and mother the broken parts of yourself with compassion.
  • you will receive hundreds of energy healings done by many practitioners over decades on the topic of power, self esteem, body image and inner relationship all put together in a lovely premixed recipe ready to be delivered to you in an instant.
  • you will receive many clearing and shielding healings to keep negative energies at bay.
  • you will receive a nourishing womb healing using Sacred Healing Radiance, a tool of Serenity Vibration Healing™ (SVH) that uses Divine Light Essence, the Sacred Rays, and all of the colors, tones and resonance of Sacred Geometries and their vibrational hues.  We will paint your womb spaces and your ovaries, we’ll write sacred loving words on them, and generally love them up!  We’ll release all negative imprints you’ve ever heard or seen about our lovely body parts and much more…we’ll go where the Black Madonna leads me…
  • a printed handout of some beautiful womb rituals to start practicing and tuning into your womb space (whether or not you still have an actual womb, you still have an energetic womb) – this is the realm of the Black Madonna.

Buy the full 3 week series for a very special price by clicking the Add to Cart below.

Regular price: $147    Charter price: $97


If, after the 1st call, you don’t think the program is right for you, you can request a refund. Paypal, Visa, Mastercard and Discover accepted.



I would just like to register to receive the free video of the Princess and the Pigeon, without the interview of the meaning with the Storyteller, or the 3 live video calls.



Testimonials of healing with Karen

“All I can say is WOW! This work is LIFE CHANGING! If anyone was clearly perfectly designed to do this work I would say it was Karen. She is kind and gentle yet pushes you at just the right moments. She is sensitive and caring and deeply feels your pain but doesn’t get caught up in your “story”. She has an uncanny ability to tease out the important words that get to the root cause of the belief and she does it with grace, ease, a sense of humor and all with that absolutely delightful accent that you can’t quite pin (South African).You know SHIFT is happening, when your friends say to you, “That is weird, I would have expected you to react to that.” Ultimately that is what you will find for yourself. At some point you will realize that what normally would have triggered you just doesn’t seem to carry the same charge anymore. Why you ask? Cause ACTIONS are based on BELIEFS and when you do the work to change the underlying belief your RE-action changes accordingly.”

Lisa Saslove, MS, RD, from California


“There are healers and intuitives, and then there’s Karen…In June 2014, I began my healings with Karen. By mid August, my life dramatically shifted. I had been very stuck in all major aspects of my life – career, home, relationships, finances – everything seemed a mess.  We worked together very intuitively and openly, and after about 8 or so sessions, I attracted a job in which paying 40% more with a celebrity doctor, and we cleared several other major blockages as well in that time, one being unfinished conversations with an old relationship that had been long holding me back.I am sometimes so in awe of the work Karen does because it seems like it can’t happen that quickly or that “easily” (for lack of a better term).  When the unaware is brought to our consciousness, we can’t “unsee” or forget it. And this creates a complete and total shift, an essential “light bulb” moment, that can finally help you get unstuck. And Karen is a complete and total expert at doing so.

On top of all that, Karen is a very loving and warm person, and I feel extremely safe and comfortable with her. She is so supportive, and I am just so grateful to know her. She has forever been a part of shifting my life for the better.”

Nicole P, from California, who is now in a very loving and supportive relationship <3


When I began working with Karen, I was longing to experience a deeper acceptance of — and vitality within — my body. With Karen’s gently holding, empathic acceptance and skillful guidance, I was able to delve beneath my habitual thought patterns and hone in on some of the deepest, oldest beliefs & assumptions that had been at the core of my inability to embrace and lovingly care for my physical self. (i.e. Beliefs about what it meant to be a loving and generous person, assumptions about the relational dangers of having a self, fears that my needs and feelings would hurt the people I loved.)During our sessions, I found myself increasingly able to express previously forbidden emotions and needs. I am absolutely sure that this was because of Karen’s keen understanding of the themes that so many of us highly sensitive caretakers (at midlife?) tend to grapple with, and her capacity to hold space for deep emotional processing.

Since our sessions, I’ve noticed a growing gentleness towards my body and much greater freedom in my interactions with others. I am deeply grateful to Karen. She has my fullest recommendation as an Energy Healing Practitioner.”

R.A., from California

You can read more here