Thank you for purchasing the Wild Queens Attracting Honoring Relationships program, where you will work with the Italian Fairytale, “The Princess and the Pigeon”. This poignant folktale will take you into the territory of your heart and we will be strolling through the tale to unearth wisdom about finding the Beloved Within.
You will receive an email shortly with the login details that are described here, as well contact details if there is a problem.
This e-course will run for 3 weeks, starting on Saturday 28th April, with our Opening Circle call.
To view the video and Storyteller interview, links and call-in details for the live calls, along with the weekly prompts as they are posted, please go to: The password is: Beloved2018.
Testimonials about working with Karen
“WOW! This work is LIFE CHANGING!” Lisa Saslove
“ThetaHealing with Karen was by far the most insightful, easy, safe and effective approach to shifting challenging and limiting beliefs that I have ever experienced.” Naraya Stein
“In about June 2014, I began my healings with Karen. By mid August, my life dramatically shifted. I am sometimes so in awe of the work Karen does because it seems like it can’t happen that quickly or that “easily” (for lack of a better term). However on the reverse, it makes perfect sense. She’s helping you to pull out issues, and once you get there – once you’ve identified it, you see it, you’re aware of it – it’s suddenly not so hard to move past it. When the unaware is brought to our consciousness, we can’t “unsee” or forget it. And this creates a complete and total shift, an essential “light bulb” moment, that can finally help you get unstuck. And Karen is a complete and total expert at doing so. On top of all that, Karen is a very loving and warm person, and I feel extremely safe and comfortable with her. She is so supportive, and I am just so grateful to know her. She has forever been a part of shifting my life for the better.” Nicole P.
I truly believe this is the most important work on the planet right now! Each person that heals the inner war and finds true love and peace within, changes the love and peace in the world.
I look forward to supporting you all in this immensely rewarding and nourishing journey,
Karen Clothier