Work With Me

Healing Sessions

Clearing Limiting Beliefs Energy Healing

I am a certified Serenity Vibration Healing® practitioner, and a  ThetaHealing®  practitioner, with experience using the ThetaHealing® Four Level Belief work, both of which are extremely powerful energy modalities for replacing your limiting beliefs with new programs. I am currently available to energy clearings over the phone anywhere in the world.

Here are some of the limiting belief issues I work on:

  • Sacred Union Within
  • Self worth issues (worthiness to receive)
  • Attracting Abundance
  • Attracting a Loving and Supportive Relationship
  • Repairing leaky boundaries
  • Ending Struggle
  • Taming the Inner Critic
  • Finding Your Voice
  • Self Love

To schedule a complimentary 30 minute Discovery Session to talk about what beliefs may be holding you back and see if we’re a fit for eachother, click the button below.  Sessions can be done by phone, Skype or Facetime anywhere in the world.